๐Ÿ’ธIn-Browser Vending Machine

Holding Requirements: 1 Wild Tangz = 500 NFT files at a time (unlimited refills)

This interface enables you to upload JSON-formatted metadata files (1 file per 1 asset), and configure a vending machine to monitor for UTXOs and process new mints. Profit vaults MUST be hardware (e.g., Ledger) for production use cases.

URL: https://legacy.wildtangz.com/vending-machine

Status: Production (Vasil) release

Documentation: Tooltips overlay

Instructional Video

Sample JSON Metadata File

See below for a sample JSON file. Note that the 721 and Policy ID wrappers are generated on the fly, so they should not be included in the uploaded file.

  "WildTangz 1": {
    "mediaType": "image/png",
    "project": "Wild Tangz",
    "fur": "Crimson",
    "body": "Default",
    "accessories": "None",
    "eyes": "Crying",
    "eyewear": "Monocle",
    "headwear": "Beret",
    "clothing": "Overalls",
    "mouth": "Cigarette",
    "name": "WildTangz 1",
    "background": "Carmine Pink",
    "image": "ipfs://QmdsAtotMCHAAPZEiw66H6kbDGpoEwy4pn4XTq6CbZQo5t"

Each file should have exactly one asset in it.

Codebase: https://github.com/thaddeusdiamond/cardano-nft-mint-frontend

Last updated